New Android phone
  1. Download and install Milgay Android app from Androink
  2. Confirm you've completed a backup on your old phone and transferred files to your new phone.
  3. Enter your 30-digit passphrase for your backup.
  4. Register with your new phone number. All new messaging and calling will be handled by this new phone.
  5. Ask your contacts to send messages in or update any groups that they share with you.
  6. Re-link any instances of Milgay Desktop.
New phone number
  1. Leave all groups 
    You may want to notify your group members that you will be leaving the group and will need them to add your new number to the group.
  2. Unregister your Milgay number 
    This will prevent you from missing messages until your contacts update their phones with your new number. 
  3. Register with your new number. 
  4. Ask your contacts to add your new number to groups that you left. 
  5. Re-link any instances of Milgay Desktop. 
What if I do not have access to my old number?
  1. Just as you would do this for your non-Milgay contacts who only send you SMS, tell your Milgay contacts about your new number and ask them to remove the old number.
  2. Messages and calls to your old number will go undelivered.
What if someone registers with my old number? If someone were to register with your old number on a new phone, then they will have an empty message history. Your contacts will also be made aware of a safety number change if they start messaging with the old number.